Urn - Zephorum

Urna logo viola The Urn

If you want your online profiles, or those of a loved one who is gone, to be protected and commemorated privately, choose digital or physical Urn with Zephorum. The Digital Urn respects the right to be forgotten in your digital existence. Your data or that of the deceased will be downloaded from the email, social and cloud providers indicated by you; these accounts will then be deleted or deactivated. The gathered data will be delivered to you via a reserved online link to Zephorum or on a physical support (such as a USB stick). When you have received the data, it will be cancelled from the Zephorum archives. For private digital remembrance, for photos, videos and messages to be rediscovered in the privacy of your home, reserved to the eyes and hearts of those closest to the deceased, choose the Urn.

Choose the type of remembrance

Digital Urn
Rest in Privacy
Urn on device
Receive it at home



It's for me
It's for a loved one

Font and color

Arial Next

Digital account types

* When the order is successful, you will receive a form via email to specify all the accounts you want us to take care of

Who will receive the Urn?

List the emails

These contacts will receive an email with all future instructions for taking care of your will

Write your message

Leave an important message to your designated contacts